Thursday, August 6, 2009

Downtown L.A. Old and New

Although Los Angeles or Hollywood is considered to be the "entertainment capital of the world" it seems that very few movies are actually set in L.A. or Hollywood. If ever a film uses L.A. or Hollywood as the setting you either get one of two idealized views, the superficial, celebrity centered, L.A., or the gritty and grimy, crime infested, L.A., as seen in "Boyz in the Hood," or "Colors," even in the "Fast and the Furious." I've lived in L.A. all my life and there's simply more to this place. It's definitely changing fast but there are a few relics from L.A.'s storied past. I was pleasantly surprised by the film "500 Days of Summer," not so much by the movie's story line, but by the way the film used/presented Downtown L.A. They honestly presented the character of this part of Los Angeles.


After having seen this movie, I decided to seek out some of the places the movie shot some scenes, but most of all I had a bit of fun exploring a little bit of the Downtown L.A. Downtown has some mad hills!!!

U.S. Bank Tower = Tallest Building in the L.A. Skyline

Downtown L.A. 7th St. and Flower

Macy's Plaza 7th St. and Hope

The view from "Tom's Bench" "500 Days of Summer"

Bradbury Building: Where Tom meets Autumn

The Bradbury Building has been featured in a lot of movies. Some of Blade Runner was shot in here.

The Bradbury Building's famous antique lifts aka elevators.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blue Gold, The Denim Movie

This should be an interesting watch...trailer is already giving me hella ideas.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monocle Magazine

Have you ever gone to the newsstand and stood there not necessarily having anything specific in mind to pick up? That's exactly where I was a few days ago, except I remembered from some article or something I read online about how dope Monocle Magazine was. I remember specifically how the pictures in the magazine were suppose to be incredible. I'm a very visually oriented person so at the newsstand I decided to ask for the latest issue of Monocle Magazine to appease my curiosity. Coming with a pretty hefty price tag of $10, for a magazine, I figured that's money down the drain. Honestly, for $10, this magazine is the cream of the crop; well written with very little advertising, great articles, and yes the pictures were good too. Monocle Magazine check it out.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Making the Best of Jury Duty

I received that red notice in the mail that every citizen of this country, but most of all Los Angeles County, dreads. Yes, I was summoned for jury duty. Unlike the previous time, I decided to only postpone once, after all I'm now a seasoned veteran having served in a trial. I was on call for most of the week, but early today, I was told to report. I decided to get it over with, packed a book, and faced a long boring day of sitting in the jury pool selection room. I did not get picked to serve on a jury panel, in fact, they only called for two jury panels the whole day, fortunately, I was not called, and unfortunately the two panels were called in before noon, which meant a long day of guaranteed boredom. I always have a digital camera, so come lunch break, I decided to go on a little stroll. I've lived in L.A. for most of my life, and rarely do I even visit the Downtown area, it so different from the rest of L.A.'s sprawl.

I have no idea what this sculpture is at the Los Angeles Mall. It looks cool enough from far away, but up close, it's just a fantasy playground for pigeons!

Walt Disney Concert Hall. One of the more super modern sites that can be found in Downtown Los Angeles.

City Hall Downtown. It's definitely an iconic building, but is the renovation job ever going to be finished? The best part about this building is, they filmed The Naked Gun 33 1/3 here with O.J. Simpson playing a cop. Who would've thought he'd end up in the criminal courts building across the way.

The Los Angeles Times. One of the last great Art Deco structures in L.A. With a lot of newspaper publications disappearing, who knows how long this building will remain buzzing with the latest headlines.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sinbad in the Summer Time

Here's my dog Sinbad, shaved down for the Summer season.

"No I'm not a chiweenie."

Livestrong City Tiempo "Los Angeles"

These are my latest pickups...yes I know another pair of shoes. It's for a great cause, and Lance is on his comeback trail so I gotta support. To think there's going to be more Livestrong releases, great for the Livestrong team, bad for my wallet.LOL

World of Warcraft is Destroying Humanity

This video is crazy, I don't know if this whole this is an act, but it's pretty damn convincing. Didn't ever see video games taking over people's lives like this. Massive Fail on this kid...Mom's canceling that warcraft account ftw!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Look what lil Dez got me!!!

Time to get excited, It's the playoffs!!! It's the NBA finals!!!'
Zoom Kobe IV's

"What makes Kobe aka the Black Mamba unstoppable?" Could it be the shoes...nah!!!

Here I come Dwight Howard!

Ready to stomp on the Magics!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lady Sovereign X Chester French

Awesome concert...even "Hollywood Holt" If you didn't know, now you know!!!

White boys who make noise with swagger and soul: Chester French

Its the S. O. V.!!! (Lady Sovereign!!!)

"Da Biggest Midget in the Game!!!"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dodgers vs Met 5/19/2009

Another baseball game...I've always insisted that I'm a neutral fan but I think I'm starting to care about the dodgers...maybe I'm just scared of getting shot at...It's crazy out in leftfield.

That Car sh*ts blue...not for the faint of heart

The Blue Bosses

Relaxing with my bag of cacahuetes!!!

"Pardon my chin"

Cinco De Chavez Ravine

Dodgers Game Cinco de Mayo, 'nuff said. The usual suspects.

Relaxing before the crowd messed my view.

The guvnor showed up.

Good night for the boys in blue.

Spilled Beer and Stale Footlongs...Baseball Season

Spring is quickly passing by and Summer is drawing ever nearer and I've hardly updated for the month of May. Baseball season is well underway and my coworkers and I have sort of established a ritual of sorts by going to some games. Being in L.A., we often find ourselves in attendance looking down from the leftfield section of Dodger stadium. I consider myself a neutral I don't really have a team, it's just an excuse to get a new hat...or not cuz fitteds are expensive. Here's some of the most hardcore Dodger fans.

She's sooo having fun!!!

The Blue Bosses


Sunday, May 3, 2009

In Search of the Perfect Burrito or Is It? Part 2

Went bowling the other night with my fellow coworkers. A fun night to say the least, but to cap it off, a good carne asada burrito. This time the chosen destination was "El Gran Burrito." Literally translated..."The Big Burrito." Here's how it stacks up against "Chipotle"

El Gran Burrito's Carne Asada Burrito

The First Bite

A Savory Treat

So Delicious...Some Call it Love...(The Meaty Variety).

The Results:
Ryan: 9 = The Burrito was good, not over seasoned, the flavors complemented the salsa really well.
Brenda: 9 = Burrito was good, tortilla was perfect, meat was authentically flavored. (Why does it look like Freddy is checking out Bobby in that picture?)
Alex: 10 = Complained that he couldn't get the lengua, but the picture sums it up. "You know me I like it all."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nike X James Jarvis

This is awesome two things that I really like, James Jarvis' artwork and Nike. James Jarvis is an amazing illustrator. He is definitely king of the potato heads.

Takashi Murakami X Louis Vuitton

Saturday, April 25, 2009

In Search of the Perfect Burrito...or is it? "Chipotle"

I have a class project...don't worry about the details, but the assignment has inspired me to search for a good burrito. General assumption says New York has the best pizza, and L.A. has the best Mexican Food, actually I think San Diego has the best Mexican Food, both authentic and Americanized. The least I can do is look for something comparable. This is part 1. The chain restaurant "Chipotle."

The Burrito

The first bite

Intense Concentration

Flavor Analysis

Ryan = 7 (tries hard but not even close, flavor lacking in authenticity)
Brenda = 7.5 (the rice has too much of a lemony flavor, beans surprisingly good)
Alex = 9 ("You know me I like it all.")

The burrito was good, if you're willing to settle for something average and the add-ins can make it a bit expensive. Chipotle is really just a tiny step above the other fast food chain burritos. Part 2 coming soon.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little Tokyo Town

Had a nice trip to Little Tokyo Town the other day. Wish I could've taken more pictures but too busy looking around at the shops. One thing I really wish I took a picture of would be the delicious Chicken Katsu I had at the Curry House. I also had some awesome red bean pan from one of the bakeries. Pics...

Downtown Los Angeles: LA Times building.
Looks like a side of the Death Star

Pinkberry: Good frozen yogurt, great with pineapple.

All of Pinkberry's stores have the same decor funky round lamps and Phillipe Starck chairs...that's pretty awesome.