Thursday, June 25, 2009

Making the Best of Jury Duty

I received that red notice in the mail that every citizen of this country, but most of all Los Angeles County, dreads. Yes, I was summoned for jury duty. Unlike the previous time, I decided to only postpone once, after all I'm now a seasoned veteran having served in a trial. I was on call for most of the week, but early today, I was told to report. I decided to get it over with, packed a book, and faced a long boring day of sitting in the jury pool selection room. I did not get picked to serve on a jury panel, in fact, they only called for two jury panels the whole day, fortunately, I was not called, and unfortunately the two panels were called in before noon, which meant a long day of guaranteed boredom. I always have a digital camera, so come lunch break, I decided to go on a little stroll. I've lived in L.A. for most of my life, and rarely do I even visit the Downtown area, it so different from the rest of L.A.'s sprawl.

I have no idea what this sculpture is at the Los Angeles Mall. It looks cool enough from far away, but up close, it's just a fantasy playground for pigeons!

Walt Disney Concert Hall. One of the more super modern sites that can be found in Downtown Los Angeles.

City Hall Downtown. It's definitely an iconic building, but is the renovation job ever going to be finished? The best part about this building is, they filmed The Naked Gun 33 1/3 here with O.J. Simpson playing a cop. Who would've thought he'd end up in the criminal courts building across the way.

The Los Angeles Times. One of the last great Art Deco structures in L.A. With a lot of newspaper publications disappearing, who knows how long this building will remain buzzing with the latest headlines.