Sunday, June 1, 2008

Iced Kaffiyeh

MSNBC Link:"Rachel Ray: Dunkin' Donuts"

It seems that living in a state of persistent political correctness can lead to even greater offense. Rachel Ray, food network television personality, is probably the most unlikely of victims because of our society's perceived notions of what political correctness is. Rachel Ray is not only a television personality but is also an endorser for Dunkin' Donuts. On one of her latest ads, an ad viewable only via the company's website and other web advertisement outlets, Rachel appears to be wearing a scarf, that looks very much like the kaffiyehs worn by men of Middle-eastern descent. Because of its ties to the Middle-east, the kaffiyehs have now become associated with Islamist extremist and terrorism. However, the MSNBC, article is clear to point out that Rachel Ray is in fact wearing a paisley print scarf. Dunkin' Donuts has now pulled the ads off the air. This event showcases the ingnorance generated by our societies keen sense of political correctness. It seems that we're so politically correct that we no longer bother to try and look further and study the reasons why something or someone should be approached carefully when it comes to accurate representation. Now an accessory has become an image of terror. Make sure grandma takes off her shawl before stepping out of the house, she might just be subjected to a cavity search.