Thursday, April 24, 2008

What's in a Name?

NPR Link:"Barack Hussein Obama"

What is it about the name "Hussein" that has everyone in a confused uproar? Granted today's generation can only seem to associate that name with the one and only Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein. Unfortunately for presidential candidate Senator Barack Hussein Obama, his middle name has somehow categorized him as some sort of a bad guy. What can he do? Like most us he did not have a choice in picking out his name. What if he was named "Adolf", would he be associated with Adolf Hitler? Perhaps "Josef" would be a more suitable name, as in "Josef Stalin?" Maybe "Benito", as in Benito Mussolini, or maybe something more subtle, a name that seems to be a little more trustworthy, "Fidel," as in Fidel Castro? Hold on, Barack comes from a multicultural and multiracial background, maybe a combination of names like "Barack Benito Josef Adolf Fidel Obama." That has a bit of a ring to it right? It's just name. It does not matter what person, place, or a thing, that name can or will be associated with. A person's name does do not constitute their character. Let it go, there's plenty of other quirky names in the Senate, for example; Senator Akaka and Senator Crapo and yet these two senator's names aren't getting flushed down the toilet everyday.