Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Women and Cars

As reported by CNN and AOL Auto

ARTICLE Link:Women and Cars

It's long been known that automobiles have been male dominated domain, not just as a passing interest but as a hobby for many men. However, if one tries to closely dissect the many aspects of the automobile that most men like: performance enhancing go-fast goodies, stylized interior and exterior accents, etc; it is fairly obvious that it's not just the car that interests men, but the attention to detail that is given to various aspects of the automobile. It is no surprise that the article mentions the same fundamental attention to detail that interest women. At the end of the day both women and men, are simply consumers. Especially in this modern age, the line that differentiates between male and female interests are blurred, as both men and women share the responsibilities of being breadwinners, whether by choice or not. Gone are the days of the TBirds and the Pink Ladies, now the Pink Ladies are no longer willing to just hitch a ride on the front seat, they want to drive as a nice clean and safe ride of course.